When you do a guided meditation or guided imagery program, you offer yourself an ideal opportunity to explore a deeper level of awareness about yourself, receive higher truth, and know more about how you feel inside. Writing immediately after your guided meditation or guided imagery session is an important way of exploring and mining that information. But how successful you'll be in making the most of what's available to you depends on how you go about doing your writing.
If you've ever kept a diary or written in a journal, you might have noticed that the experience can vary a great deal in terms of your level of satisfaction, and what you get out of the time you put in. You'll get the most from your writing when you're going into new levels of honesty within yourself. In my experience, it all depends upon where you're coming from. Here are some places you could be coming from as you journal, after doing a guided meditation:
Your Intellect: In this case, you'll find your writing fairly dry, and fairly boring, with little real engagement. Your intellect can probably go on and on, spouting out everything you know ad-infinitum. But there's not much real point in writing down what you already know, unless you want to practice your handwriting. (By the way I've read that it's been scientifically proven that more of your brain is engaged through handwriting than typing. So when you're writing in your journal, pen and paper is the way to go.) After your guided meditation, writing from the intellect will get you no further than you were before you started.
Your Emotions: In this case, you're giving voice to feelings that may have come up during your meditation. That can be helpful, if you've not been particularly in touch with your feelings. So called "free form writing" is one way to do this, where you just let yourself spill whatever comes up and out of you, for example, using the words you wouldn't want to actually say to someone you're mad at. For that kind of writing, you might find it helpful to burn the pages afterward. (Never mail them!) In general, emotional writing can be cathartic, especially if you're willing to let the emotions go when you're done, and not hold onto them.
Your Higher Consciousness: Here's where you're apt to get the most bang for your buck. Guided imagery and guided meditation can help you open to higher consciousness and receive input from your own Higher Self, as well as all kinds of wonderful spiritual figures who tend to stand by waiting for an opportunity to be of assistance. Writing immediately after a guided meditation or guided imagery session, when you write from higher consciousness, can bring forward all kinds of great information. Look for my article, Writing From Higher Consciousness Following Guided Imagery And Meditation, for more about how to do this.
Max Highstein is an author, music composer, and spiritual counselor who's work includes bestselling title, The Healing Waterfall, Touch The Sky, Visiting Saint Francis, and many others. Visit his website to learn more and download a free guided imagery and guided meditation program.
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