Do you want to open and activate your third eye chakra? Then this article may interest you.
What is the Third Eye Chakra?
The third eye chakra, or the ajna chakra, is our sixth chakra and is located in the middle of the forehead just between the eyebrows. This chakra (and the crown chakra) is connected to our spirituality. It has the colour indigo or purple, which is a good thing to remember when working on opening it, as using colours in your meditation can be a great way to make the meditation stronger and more visual. The third eye is the location for many different qualities such as intuition, spirituality, awareness, thinking clearly, getting ideas and psychic abilities.
Just like any other chakra in your body, your third eye can be closed or unbalanced which can lead to a feeling of confusion, feeling disconnected to your spiritual part of you, feeling lost and having difficulties finding the right path, being unable to see things clearly, panic, depression, etc.
How to Open the Third Eye Chakra?
So to reopen or rebalance your third eye you can practice third eye meditation, where you will heal and activate your chakra. But since this chakra is one of the more mystical ones and there are so much about it that we do not understand, you should not play around with third eye chakra techniques, as some people have had quite strong experiences with it, such as being able to see things (perhaps spiritual entities) with either your physical eyes or minds eye, hearing things and sensing things. So before you decide whether or not you want to open your third eye, you should really do some more research on the topic and get as much knowledge as possible. But learning is a good thing, and just be thinking about your third eye and focusing on it, it will gradually be activated.
The third eye is connected to the pineal gland, which is a small gland in the middle of our brain and is controlled and activated by light. Even though scientists do not know much about this small gland it is considered by many to be a very powerful part source of spiritual energy and the key to developing psychic abilities. It is said that when the pineal gland is activated it will connect with the spiritual dimension through our third eye and crown chakra. Through meditation we will be able to create a vibration that will allow us to connect with our spiritual side and astral body.
Third Eye Meditation
There are many different techniques to activate and open your third eye. You can perform a chanting meditation which will help you create a vibration that can stimulate your chakra and thereby open it. But you do not need to chant, but instead you can try a third eye breathing exercise, where you will breathe through your chakra with an indigo coloured wind, which will turn your focus and energy to that area, which will stimulate it. But no matter which technique you use, you should remember to keep a positive mind and focus on love and kindness. It is also important that you remember to relax during the meditation, or else you will just end up with a headache and nothing more. But take some time to really learn about it before you start practicing third eye meditation.
Jessica Tanner.
My interest in meditation and spiritual work is something I have had for quite some time now. I am no expert in the field what so ever, though I do believe I have some knowledge to share, and hopefully it will help you.
I provide information and different guided meditation that will help you through the meditation in an easy step-by-step practice. If you want to learn more go to my website at:
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