Shaktipat Meditation and the 12 Levels of Spiritual Growth

Shaktipat meditation uses Divine, living energy to carry teachings from the mind of the teacher into the mind of the student. It's the fastest path to realization, and it forms the most highly evolved teacher/student relationships on our planet.

Shaktipat is a type of subtle energy -that is particles of energy too small for modern science to observe or detect. However science can observe the effects of subtle energy. The experiments of Clive Backster, the inventor of lie detector machine, demonstrate the effects of thoughts and subtle energy on plants.

It's essential that the Shaktipat meditation teacher is not only fully realized, but is also completely clean and clear. It's simply not possible for any teacher to give anyone a state of meditation that they don't already have themselves, and realization, or enlightenment, is the goal of Shaktipat teaching. As the Shaktipat energy flows through the teacher, it picks up the teacher's essence. If the teacher is polluted with cravings or suppressed emotions, these detrimental energies will be passed on to the student along with the beneficial teaching. If the teacher full of love, peace and bliss, that is what the student will experience.

Realization is defined here as having experienced all of the twelve levels of consciousness listed below. These twelve levels are taken from the writings of the great Yogi Vivekananda and rewritten here to render them more understandable to present day readers. The complete writings of Vivekananda are available on the internet.

Shaktipat Meditation can leap frog students through these levels, allowing them to go directly to the higher levels such as god realization, oneness and emptiness. This is accomplished by the teacher putting his own state of meditation directly into the student. It is then the student's responsibility to meditate dedicatedly in that state until it becomes anchored in him. If the student fails to do his meditation work, the great gift his teacher has given him will be lost quickly, leaving behind only a beautiful memory.

These twelve levels are usually experienced by most practitioners. It's common to be growing in several levels at once. Levels may be experienced in a different order than listed here. Some practitioners never consciously experience some levels. Some traditions focus completely on God while others ignore God and go into Oneness. There are many differences in opinion about the higher levels of Samadhi. The levels are presented here as a general guide.

1. Understanding the purpose of our existence. We are Spiritual beings enjoying an earthly experience, not human beings searching for a Spiritual experience. You attain this level when you consciously begin your Spiritual work.

2. Seeing the suffering of others. When you begin seeing past your own selfishness to the needs of others, you begin wanting to help them.

3. Removing the suffering of others. Consciously working to heal and teach others gives you the fastest growth.

4. Finding passion, peace and love. When we work selflessly for others we become very passionate about our practice and work. We also discover peace in ourselves and universal Love, love with a capital L.

5. Conversion of negative energies to positive. Anger, fear, sadness, negative thoughts and entities striking your aura are transformed to Love by the Love emanating from you.

6. Opening the Third Eye. Your psychic abilities awaken.

7. Bliss. You experience limitless joy. You become able find happiness in all circumstances because bliss wells up from your internal being and is not dependent on external circumstances.

8. The Source. You experience your direct connection to the Supreme Being, also called Allah, Jehova and God the Father.

9. Becoming The Source. You become an inexhaustible source of energy exactly like God.

10. Oneness. You experience that our entire universe is one conscious, living, intelligent organism with no division or separation. Everything is one very alive energy field.

11.Nothingness. Your complete being, all your experiences and creations dissolve completely into blackness. All egoic mind structures disappear. You become able to experience reality and create real structures.

12. Nirvana or nether being or non being. There is much debate about this state and if anything lies beyond it. It can only be experienced. It cannot be explained in understandable terms.

Completing these twelve levels can be compared to graduating from a Western university with a Bachelor's degree that prepares the student for post graduate work. Attaining realization allows people to experience reality and to begin learning how to work in it.

This process of learning how to working in reality goes on for the remainder of the person's life as they go deeper and deeper into meditation. Once again, Shaktipat meditation teaching from a person ahead on the path can speed learning greatly.

Richard Crown has spent more than thirty years in Asia. Living in diverse cultures has allowed him absorb their Spiritual practices in a first-hand, useful way. Shaktipat meditation is the fastest and best of all the many meditation techniques he has experienced. You can experience Shaktipat meditation with Richard & Remedia Crown at They are both realized meditation teachers who share their abilities with loving compassion.
You will also be able to download a free PDF of Richard's book Ascension In Love: Our Spiritual Journey, a true account of their own Shaktipat awakening presented in the form of easy to read conversations.

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